My fellow canines, happy November! My yard is full of leaves, lots and lots of crunchy leaves. I can hide in plain site because they are the same colour as I am. If I burrow a little down into a leave pile, I become invisible. My humans have a lot of raking to do. The beautiful maple trees that surround our yard were ablaze with red and orange leaves just last week, but they’ve turned to golden yellow (just like me) and fallen to the ground, providing me with a hiding place. My humans call me and I don’t answer for a few minutes. But then they say that magic word “supper”, and I can’t reveal myself soon enough to let them know “yes, I’m here, I’m coming”.
Have fun in the leaves with yours humans. Be super helpful, assisting them with gathering leaves into a pile . . . and then jump in, scattering them everywhere. (Did I just say that out loud?) It did snow, just a dusting about a week ago, but we all know that winter is coming. Enjoy the last remnants of Fall weather.
Until next time . . . Take care of your humans.
If you would like to be as well dressed as I am, get your humans to order your personalized scarf by clicking below.
A GREAT Gift any time of the year for your special fur child.
If you have any questions, email
Well, bye for now.
Check out my videos on you-tube. Visit our website at to view these fun little vids.